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Stonewolf - Widebay (cd)

Stonewolf - Widebay (cd)

Year : 2015

Label : DIY

Description : Stonewolf is a desert/groove/hard-rock-band from a small island at the west coast of Norway. The Stonewolf-journey began in 2012, where 5 friends decided to form a band, inspired by groove, feel, new-age and progressive rock. In 2014, the band got reduced to 4 members, where one lead-guitarist suddenly left due personal reasons.Nevertheless, the band continued to produce music, and the musical spirit carried on and is still on top. One importaint spot in the Stonewolf history, happened in 2014 when they opened for the norwegian established band Sahg. All of Stonewolf's music is self-written through jams and home-sessions. This resulted in a lot of riffs, songs and lyrics over time, and some of these songs also resulted in an EP-release, Widebay, in 2015.

I Need
Until Mother Earth Covers My Chest
Her Words
Desert Times